Saturday, May 26, 2012

Asian Ginger Chicken Legs

I hadn't had meat in eight months since I originally started drawing down some of my unhealthier eating choices but recently gave myself a little leeway on incorporating some meats, in limited quantities. I saw a really great recipe on Gina's Skinny Recipes (a great website to get healthy and vegetarian meals). The recipe I saw had a lot of ingredients and since I have to watch my sodium intake, I tweaked the recipe to include just chicken, low sodium soy sauce and red vinegar. 

Now I come from a southern family and used to eating a lot of meats with side dishes, but for this dish I chose to cook the chicken legs and simply add jasmine rice with steamed veggies. Also, I decided to use skinless chicken legs and since it's just me cooking for one, I chose to only cook a few legs, eating a small portion for dinner and saving the rest for lunch on the next day. 

Back to not eating the meat -- meat was never the enemy but normally when I chose eating meat, I was eating meat in a combo meal or a quick meal that was sodium laden. I wanted to reduce all of that because in the Spring of 2011, I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. I stopped eating meat that was prepared in the fast food arena, especially  hot wings, fried chicken wings, and greasy foods, but when I came back to limited quantities this year (2012), I felt okay with the choice, though I am still striving to eat as an vegetarian, which in my opinion is more healthier for ME. It took me four months to get rid of my HBP and I no longer have to take any medicine, because of my healthier choices, which includes low sodium or no sodium options. 

Back to these delicious asian chicken legs. In most recipes I saw the use of ginger root, which is readily available in my community. However, I didn't have time to go to the natural market so I used ginger spices which I also keep in my cupboard. 

Let me know how you like these. 

Asian Ginger Chicken Legs 

Skinless Chicken Legs (I used 3 for the recipe) 
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed 
1/2 onion
1tsp of Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
1 tablespoon or red vinegar 
1 tsp of Srirachi Red Chili Sauce 
1 tsp of ginger spice/powder 
Sesame Seeds (less than 1 tsp) 
1 tsp of brown sugar (no more than that or it will turn hard!) 
1 tablespoon of Olive Oil (Smart Balance was used -- canola/soy/olive blend) 

How to Prepare the meal

Wash the chicken legs and set aside in a bowl. Wash your hands, before handling the rest of the recipe.  Crush the garlic cloves and chop the onions.  Place one tablespoon of Olive Oil in your pot, then add the cloves and onions to cook, then add the chicken legs. Wash your hands (again) -- then allow the chicken legs to cook for at least 8-10 minutes before adding  the soy sauce, srirachi sauce and red wine vinegar. Allow all flavors to come together then add the ginger spice/powder and cook until your desired temperature and consistency.  You may add the brown sugar after this time period, watch the cooking very carefully and while it it cooking, use a ladel to pour the mixture over the chicken legs while it cooks. You might have to cook down for a while til it all comes together. 

Serve with jasmine or brown rice. 

Sprinkle the sesame seeds over the chicken legs before you serve over the rice. 

(c) 2012 by Pam Osbey 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious!!!