Monday, October 7, 2013

Green Yum Yum Soup

Once again, I found an easy and fun way to incorporate vegetables in a smooth, tasty creamy soup without milk. It takes a little prep and when finished you can eat hot or cold, serve with home made crackers or with a light salad on the side! 

Green Yum Yum Soup 

1/2 zucchini
2-4 green collard green leaves, washed
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 tsp of garlic powder, dried oregano and basil, sea salt
1 packet of coconut milk
2/3 cups of water (check your consistency while mixing)
1 small potato boiled
1/4 cup of chicken or veggie broth
1 small onion, chopped


  1. Wash all vegetables and set aside. 
  2. Boil potato for ten minutes, then add to the blender or food processor. 
  3. Chop green collard leaves, garlic clove, zucchini and onion. Use spiralizer to garnish a little bit of the zucchini for top of the soup.
  4. Add everything to the blender/food processor and mix well for a few minutes. 
  5. Add water gradually until you get the thickness you desire. 
  6. Pour contents into a pot and cook for an additional 5-7 minutes. 
  7. Serve and enjoy! 

(c) 2013 by Pam Osbey 

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